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Providing Everything You Need


French Clay Mask  -  Rose´ Clay Mask

You can choose between our French green clay mask, or our Rose´ clay mask. Each mask contains enriched powder from the Montmorillonite region of France that enhances clear skin and brightens dark spots. The French green clay mask is essential for general acne issues, and the Rose´clay mask is great for clients that suffer from rosacea and other skin pigmentation disorders.



Angel Water

Our Angel water was created will instilled mineral water including some zinc, copper and a little selenium. All of these enhancements work together to brighten any dark spots and also adjust any skin pigmentation. 




Angel Box

The Angel Box was created by our founder to show her skincare routine. All of the products included in our box will guarantee clear and brighten your skin within 5-7 months. Our Angel boxes include one or both clay masks, It also includes one Angel water, one Honey lip balm, a mask applicator, and a headband to protect your hair while relaxing. Each Angel box will include a regime card that will start you on your clear skin journey. 



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